List of numbers

Environmental risks

01 May 2002


After the turn of the third millennium, we're entering the more modest but no less symbolic twentieth issue of Variances. Following the example of Cora supermarkets, which never fail to celebrate the most insignificant of birthdays with a week of frenzied promotions on household linen or the local produce section, the editorial team wanted to mark the occasion by working on a new graphic charter, whose lightness and refined modernism you're sure to appreciate. We're also continuing to broaden the range of subjects on offer, notably by developing the critical reading section on alumni publications introduced in the previous issue, whose light, incisive style has since been praised by numerous testimonials.

Against this backdrop, writing this editorial becomes a confusing exercise, with an unlikely outcome. Of course, to be more like you, this issue is even more than before peppered with the weddings, births, retirements and awards ceremonies that marked the lives of our alumni at the turn of the year 2002. But that's not all. The last few months have seen men running, the Earth retreating, calls for help and children being pushed around. And in the magazine's contents, we see the sailors of the Tour de France à la Voile, the threat of environmental problems and the glimmer of hope for Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

To create a magazine that reflects its readers is, of course, the editors' primary objective. To do so in a way that resonates with the world (the one on TV, not Alain Minc's latest book, although that too is on TV) would be the real achievement of Variances.

Another editorial, an editorial for nothing, a clay in the hollow of our hands...


L’effet de serre : une externalité partiellement traitée par la création de nouveaux marchés Sylviane GASTALDO (ENSAE 1988) Ministère de l’environnement, Direction des études économiques et de l’évaluation environnementale
De l’évaluation à la gestion des risques dans le domaine alimentaire : Comment prendre en compte le contexte économique et social ? Jean-Luc Volatier (ENSAE 1985) Direction de l’Evaluation des Risques Nutritionnels et Sanitaires Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, Afssa
Prix jeunes financiers 2001 Eric RALAIMIADANA (CESS-MASTERE 1996)
Coup de main pour un coup de cœur Fabien TOUTLEMONDE (ENSAE 1999)