List of numbers

Water saving

01 November 1999


This issue of Variances is special for several reasons. The last issue before the year 2000, it crowns a series of fifteen issues, the first of which appeared in 1991. They all reflect the daily life of the school, and show that there is life after school, thanks in particular to the work of the alumni association, the A,S,TE.C. This issue is also my first as editor-in-chief. As a member of the editorial board for the past 2 years, I've come to appreciate the magnitude of the editor's task, and on behalf of the association and the board, I'd like to pay an admiring tribute to Arnaud for the work he has accomplished in this role. I can testify to the metamorphosis the magazine has undergone under his impetus: By establishing a graphic charter, which defines the format and visual appearance of the magazine both inside and out, the magazine now has its own trademark. I would like to conclude, without wishing to disappoint our readers, by expressing the wish to do almost as well, with the help of the committee, and to continue this work in continuity. As we enter the next millennium under happy auspices, may the future smile on our school, its students, our association and its magazine!

CESS 1996


Introduction historique Tous auteurs, extraits par Pierre Morichau