List of numbers

Variances 48

01 October 2013


In search of balance

The microcosm of Grandes Ecoles alumni journals was recently shaken
following the publication of a controversial article, both in terms of content and
the author's personality. This prompts us to remind our dear readers
readers of the principles that guide our work as a volunteer editorial team
editorial team:

- our magazine contains a certain number of in-depth articles, which feed into
each of our "Dossiers", and for which we call on the most competent and
Alumni. We sometimes regret that we don't receive more unsolicited articles.
articles, but the positive side effect is that we control the content of our magazine
of our magazine;
- we carefully proofread the contributions we receive, in a respectful dialogue
respectful dialogue with authors, which may in rare cases result in the non-publication of articles
articles that we deem not to be in line with our editorial line, due to an excessively polemical tone
or insufficient quality;
- to date, advertising has always provided us with all the necessary
necessary funding, but we make a clear distinction between advertising inserts
articles, with a constant concern for objectivity.

Variances is neither a scientific journal nor a "people" magazine.
diversity of skills, opinions and backgrounds at ENSAE, and to contribute to the quality
quality image of our training.

Issue 48, which you have before you, is a good illustration of this quest for a balance of
and points of view, with :

- a dossier devoted to health policies, which sheds light on the challenges of institutional
institutional developments in this area, but also the new fields that medical research
medical research is opening up for statisticians;
- a bit of escapism into unusual territory, thanks to Dominique Beudin's Tribune
by Dominique Beudin on development issues in the Jérid, a deprived region in southern
southern Tunisia;
- Alumni portraits: our Headliner, Philippe Brassac, is today one of the top
executives of the Crédit Agricole Group, and his thoughts on business management
will be of interest to all readers; our "Alumni" section is devoted to Jérémy Rigaux
Jérémy Rigaux, who has decided to devote his life to religion, but hasn't totally forgotten
forgotten ENSAE. Not forgetting a "Focus" that's shorter than usual, and which gives
the floor to a number of bi-active Alumni couples: these share with us their
their experience of a career defined by two people and therefore necessarily the result of compromise
compromises ;
- and, of course, several articles on the life of the School and the Association, the link between
between all Alumni.

If, despite our high standards, we don't succeed in satisfying you, please don't hesitate to
don't hesitate to share your comments and constructive criticism with us! Enjoy your reading.

Eric Tazé-Bernard (1978)
Editor in chief
