List of numbers

the introduction of modern human resources management tools

01 January 1996


Our Ensae training does not predispose us to become e(managers P). This is a profession that is essentially acquired through practice. However, a certain number of modern human resources management tools, developed long ago in English-speaking countries and in the industrial sector in France, can become a valuable aid for team managers. These tools are not yet widely used in the service sector, but are gradually making inroads into the public sector. This quarter's issue sheds light on the difficulty of implementing such tools in companies.

Also in issue 6, Alain Trognon, Director of the Group of Schools of Economics and Statistics, presents Ensae's communications policy, one year after the decree separating the two former divisions of the school was published.

Variances will be undergoing a number of changes for the start of 1996 (January issue)_ But we'll have the chance to talk about it again!

Happy autumn reading,

Nicolas Denis


Publications:Titrisation et remboursements anticipés Antoine Frachot et Christian Gouiieroux