List of numbers

Real estate: lessons from the crisis

01 June 1996


Get mobilized!

The eve of our Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to remind everyone of our Association's existence. Remember, thirty years ago, when Astec was still in its infancy, how difficult it was to attract members and contributors, and to organize a few annual events?
During the 70's and 80's, the Association took shape, created a directory, organized its first irregular colloquia, luncheon debates...
Since 1990, with its ups and downs, the Association has kept pace with the School's evolution (separation of the two divisions into two distinct schools), improved its communication tools (redesign of the yearbook and creation of Variances), and created a dynamic among alumni (annual organization of the Entretiens de la prévision, economic situation group, finance group...) with relatively limited financial resources (see the article "the Association in figures").
Over the past few years, one word stands out: mobilization. Thanks to a handful of alumni who devote their time to Astec every year, we can all benefit from the activities and dynamism of a solid Association, equipped with communication supports for alumni and students,
that organizes enriching events, that is a place for friendly encounters...
An Alumni Association of a leading school like Ensae must be a real pillar for the School and its alumni, and must renew and innovate every year: it's thanks to everyone's mobilization that we'll continue to make progress.
Happy summer vacations and happy reading!

Nicolas Denis
