List of numbers

: What's better for the state: developing and evaluating policies

01 April 2005


The swallows are showing their wings, spring is back and hibernation is over. Variances is back. We'd hoped to wish you a happy back-to-school and a happy new year, but the destructive creation of the market has decided otherwise. Service providers don't always deliver. That's the way the market works.

There has been no shortage of upheaval since the last issue. The Americans have renewed their president; Iraq has voted; the wave has passed. Islands are said to have shifted a few centimetres. The mysteries of plate tectonics... Our elementary school geography has even changed: Anatolia has crossed the Dardanelles, and now Turkey is in Europe.

Of course, everyone has to point to his or her own head. "How can we accept the Ottoman if we want the emergence of a European citizenship based on common, universal, apostolic and Roman values? "But low-cost arms are a guarantee of social harmonization and job creation! "And isn't one consumer worth another?

So let's put an end to all the gloom and doom.

"A MAQUIGNON CORREZIEN Halte, Esprits Chagrins !!!
THE CHORUS - Yes, halt!
THE FIRST WISE - First, there will be a referendum. The Constitution has been revised ten times in ten years.
THE SECOND WISE SAGE - Europe is peace! In the words of a Cypriot.
LE TROISIEME SAGE - C'est la marche de l'Histoire...
JEAN-LUC REICHMANN - Watch your step!
LE DEUXIEME SAGE - But what does history say?
ISTOUARE entre deux aller-retour à Charm-el-Sheik : It was in Austria that the unspeakable dictator was born, and it was with the Great Turk that Louis XIV allied himself in an attempt to reduce this country to nothing, not because Maria Theresa had upset him, but to nip in the bud the one the Empire was nurturing in its bosom.
THE CHORUS - Between two heads, let's take the Austrian and leave the Turk!
L'ELEVEUR DU LARZAC - To the Bastille !!!! "

I agree, there are days when you should stay in bed, snug in your cave.


The complete edition, with all illustrations, will be available shortly in pdf format.


Concours commun Mines-Pont 2004 : l'Ensae, bien placée Sylviane Gastaldo (1988), directrice de l’Ensae.
Une mise en perspective du concours "Math" Sylviane Gastaldo (1988), directrice de l’Ensae.
L’Alumni’s Cup : « Toute la puissance du port du Havre » Fabien Toutlemonde (1999) & Stéphane Jugnot (1998).
Le parcours des anciens de l’Ensae Evelyne Huet (1979) & Erik Zolotoukhine.
Courants de femmes, un projet de développement innovant Thomas Bossuroy (2002) et Claire Naiditch (2003), pour Courants de femmes.
Partager ses savoirs Frédéric Gilli (2000) & Romain Lesur (2000).
Henri Delessy, passion peinture Un entretien d'Hugo Hanne (1992).