List of numbers

What future for Europe?

01 February 1996


Age of reason?!

This is the seventh issue of Variances, now a regular fixture on our landscape. 7 years is the age of reason. 7 issues for a magazine is still just the beginning! Variances remains fragile. To make this adventure sustainable, we have made a few adjustments to the contents and pagination of Variances. Variances is to be a self-financing magazine, financed by an advertising agency. The cost of production and the current level of the advertising market make it impossible for us to produce issues with more than 40 pages of editorial content. From now on, each issue will be devoted to a single feature of around twenty pages (this quarter's summary is "What future for Europe?"). We will also be highlighting the activities of our Association (which becomes the first section of the contents) and pursuing our policy of explaining and communicating about Ensae, enabling the School's management to communicate directly and easily with all our alumni. The "Trajectoires" section (considered by many of you to be the magazine's weakest) will be replaced by a "Headline" section. Olivier Le Grand, Vice-Chairman of Cortal, will be in the spotlight this quarter.

Finally, you'll find our publications, promotions (except for this issue, as we didn't receive enough of them) and job offers in the "Alumni" section. Please continue to send us your comments and suggestions, so that we can make Variances the real mouthpiece for Ensae alumni!

Nicolas Denis