List of numbers

New finance professions

01 May 2004


New head. The photo above this editorial is no longer the same. That's because the editor has changed. Fabien has taken off his hat. He's let go of the helm, even if he's not abandoning ship altogether: freelancing for Olivier Lecler, the headliner, he also talks to us in this issue about the Alumni's Cup, for which he is the deus ex machina, and hangs out in the machine room of Ensae solidaire, a newly-created association. Instead of the new finance jobs, he prefers his hobbies, sailing and solidarity. In short, he's just taking to the open sea for a breath of fresh air and a change of scenery.

At the end of last year, a major evening paper took an interest in the new "professionals" of NGOs of all stripes, from humanitarian aid to environmental protection. It noted that they were being colonized by former senior executives, bankers, lawyers or human resources specialists, who, fed up with the pressure they felt in their professional lives, for objectives that were not necessarily their own, and without always getting a return on their investment in their work, had found in this reconversion an activity more in line with their aspirations.

Shortly before, a business weekly had published a feature on these employees, who now wanted "meaningful work". Meaning within the company, because they want to know its strategic orientations and choices, the reasons for their work. Meaning externally, because they want their actions to be consistent with their company's discourse, when the latter communicates to consumers with a discourse on social, environmental and other values.

Finally, here's something to complicate the labor supply function and its reductive trade-off between remuneration and leisure, or its new mainstream version: reduction of working hours versus reduction of labor costs, stimulation of idleness versus incentive to work. But rest assured, this is not necessarily a return to concern for the Other. Max Ui is still on the prowl...

Stéphane Jugnot