List of numbers

Health in "questions..."

01 November 1996


Our Annual General Meeting last June was the occasion to launch an urgent and repeated request to the alumni present to write articles for Variances.

I've never received so many letters since then, and I'd like to thank you all. Thanks to your ideas and projects, we can ensure three or four dossiers for future issues.

In addition, we can inaugurate a new section in this issue, a "tribune libre", which I hope will live on in future issues.

So Variances continues, thanks to you and the Editorial Board, who have been able to publish nine issues over the past three years. After some hesitation, this magazine is now well and truly launched. A new editor-in-chief, Arnaud Millien (Ensae 94) and a renewed editorial board will take over next February, for issue 10.

Long live Variances!

Nicolas Denis