List of numbers

Human resources management

01 November 1998


We're well into the new school year, and this issue comes at just the right time (almost) to wish you a Merry Christmas, in advance for once_ As the next issue is due out in April, unless the medieval calendar is reintroduced, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the coming New Year 7999...

In these so-called "difficult" times, with deflation taking everyone by surprise - especially those of us accustomed to the purest teachings of Keynesian macroeconomics - and at a time when everyone says they're running out of landmarks, Variances has the cheek to talk about what's going well, and even very well: the jobs and careers of former ENSAE graduates. And at the same time, to offer you quantifiable benchmarks on career profiles, the salaries of recent graduates and even your own salary, modeled and therefore predictable (by the law of its structure, not that of its evolution...).

I hesitated to headline this issue with the following title: "Careers and jobs at ENSAE, the price of excellence".... Too pretentious, and yet... Why not dare to say that the graduates of ITNSAE, thanks to the success or failure of the Ecole Polytechnique, the University and preparatory classes of all horizons, have trained specialists for several decades and still train specialists today, whose skills, rigor and intellectual honesty are sought after by companies? Why not also say that the school is nearing demographic maturity: the oldest students are there to testify to this, while the youngest graduates are providing the job market with the large cohorts that will underpin the economic and social foundations of this training far more than its reputation? Finally, why not say that, more than ever, ITNSAE is taking up the challenge of modernity, training every year battalions of graduates who are well-versed in the latest techniques and, above all, ready to evolve with them? The original gamble was probably the right one: more than ever, the modern economic world demands executives capable of evolving with quantitative information techniques, of mastering their methods and consequences, and above all of explaining how they work. I hope you all enjoy reading this issue of Variances, and that one day I too will have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Alumni Association to perpetuate what is not yet a long-standing tradition...
