List of numbers

Human resources, Human wealth

01 October 2006


Back to school, boxes to pack, books to cover... real estate prices... we've avoided a lot of the obligatory items for this September issue. We could also have talked about 2007 and the major elections that are fast approaching, but we'll think about that for the next issue.
For now, a little introspection...

The "Associations" section of this issue is quite copious. There is, of course, the report on our last Annual General Meeting, which takes stock of the association's rise to prominence. A new board and council were elected in June, and they can now count on the support of Jeanne Bachoffer and Françoise Hamaide, the two permanent delegates we have recruited.

The site is constantly being improved, and we'll help you find your way around. We could also have mentioned the expansion of, the subject of a previous article: Polytechnique Lausanne, Zurich, Mines de Paris, Ponts et Chaussées, Télécom Paris and ENS Ulm are joining us! This opens up new horizons and provides even more opportunities for interesting and varied positions.

An ever-growing number of clubs enable you to make the most of your knowledge and network, and not to spoil the pleasure of contributing, the option of using direct debit!

Among the new clubs, we're dedicating a special place to "Ensae au féminin". Our Human Resources feature also looks at the persistent obstacles that prevent women from gaining recognition for their worth in the workplace. It also highlights the wide diversity of positions available at Ensae.

A special message to students and recent graduates: no, finance is not the only career option at this school. Find out more from former students, or use Industry and business services offer a wide range of career opportunities. Make the most of them!

Enjoy your reading.