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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat ligula ut rhoncus scelerisque. Maecenas varius, nulla quis sagittis fringilla, velit tellus lobortis justo, vel dapibus sapien felis id elit. Sed pharetra congue lectus, sit amet accumsan dui ultricies sit amet. Phasellus imperdiet, elit faucibus luctus gravida, tortor arcu tempus diam, quis porttitor sem lectus in ante. Pellentesque dapibus pulvinar turpis, vel aliquam lacus pretium feugiat. In vehicula, risus ut tristique luctus, erat metus scelerisque tellus, ut aliquam neque lorem eu metus. Etiam cursus at metus sit amet lacinia. Donec id erat a eros tristique egestas. Donec nibh nibh, interdum in neque id, porta finibus massa. Praesent nec libero ipsum. Vivamus scelerisque ipsum sit amet risus dapibus feugiat. Nullam placerat est quis tellus efficitur, non sollicitudin velit vestibulum. Cras et nisi a nunc feugiat congue. Nulla aliquam nibh quis nulla fringilla, sit amet cursus nunc euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

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ENSAE data breakfast

Back to school! Economy and finance breakfast with Laurence BARRY and Thierry COHIGNAC When it comes to natural disasters, traditional statistics have long been useless. Thanks to improvements in data quality and the precision of the models derived from them, we can now...

Data breakfast debate

It's back to school! Breakfast Economy Finance with Laurence BARRY and Thierry COHIGNAC In the face of natural disasters, conventional statistics have long been of no help. Thanks to improvements in data quality and the resulting increase in the accuracy of models, we can now...

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Job offers

Model validation analyst

In France, Dexia Crédit Local meets all the financial needs of local players by offering them a specialized range of banking products and services. The main task of the incumbent is to carry out validation exercises relating to the lifecycle of models covering...

Model Validation Analyst M/F

In France, Dexia Crédit Local meets all the financial needs of local players by offering them a specialized range of banking products and services. The main task of the incumbent is to carry out validation exercises relating to the lifecycle of models covering...

Model Validation Analyst M/F

In France, Dexia Crédit Local meets all the financial needs of local players by offering them a specialized range of banking products and services. The main task of the incumbent is to carry out validation exercises relating to the lifecycle of models covering...

Model Validation Analyst M/F

In France, Dexia Crédit Local meets all the financial needs of local players by offering them a specialized range of banking products and services. The main task of the incumbent is to carry out validation exercises relating to the lifecycle of models covering...